Metasky is now Quboid

Loyalty 3.0
Beam up your customers!

World's first decentralised loyalty tokens liquidity and settlement network

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Do more with your loyalty than you ever could

Establish a committed community fanbase that consistently interacts with your brand's activities.

Real Engagement

Offer dynamic interactions beyond just purchases, like earning points through referrals or social media engagement, fostering genuine customer participation.

Trade or exchange LPs on decentralized platforms, allowing customers to monetize their points or use them in financial services like lending or staking, expanding revenue opportunities for brands.

Offer seamless collaboration between brands, facilitating joint rewards or promotions through smart contracts, ensuring transparency and fairness while creating mutually beneficial partnerships.

Brand Loyalty

Give your customers a unique experience

Curate experiences that deeply engage with your customers, fostering meaningful connections and interactions.

Tradable Tokens

Offer customers the ability to trade loyalty points as tokens on blockchain-based platforms, unlocking a new dimension of value exchange and empowering them to personalize their rewards experience.

Collect brand membership passes to avail exclusive perks like gated access, secret codes, discount coupons, tickets and more. Trade these experiences seamlessly among the community members.

Invite community members to participate in your social media campaigns or curated tasks to earn loyalty tokens. Trade these tokens in the marketplace or utilize them to unlock new experiences.

Customer Loyalty

How Quboid works

Our three pronged approach to resolve your loyalty woes

Boost existing Loyalty Points or launch Brand Tokens

Create new loyalty tokens or import your existing ones. Quboid is built to support both tokenized or traditional loyalty points.

Launch Brand Tokens

Convert Points to Tokens

Import Brand Tokens

Design Whitelabelled Apps

Boost existing loyalty points

Gamifiy engagement and distribute tokens as rewards

Connect with your audience via various gamified features, ensuring your community is active and engaged.

Launch Membership Collection

Token Gated Communities


Exclusive Perks

Social Media Bounties

Community Tasks

Gamify Engagement

Settle the token liabilities faster with Q-Net

Use Q-Net to supercharge your brand loyalty & grow with partner brands. Unutilized loyalty points will be a thing of the past.

Create on-chain Utilities

Link Utilities to Collections

Redeem Utilities via Tokens

Collaborate across brands

Settle token liabilities faster


Decentralized network for seamless value transfer through tokenized loyalty points and NFT-based membership cards.

Q-Net is currently on TestNet

Expanded Loyalty Programs

Boost your brand's loyalty program reach and effectiveness.

Cost-Efficient Operations

Cut down operational costs associated with managing loyalty programs.

Cross-Brand Collaboration

Partner across multiple brands across Web2 & Web3.

Enhanced Customer Engagement

Incentivize customer interactions across social media platforms.

Build on Q-Net

Why Choose Quboid?

Seamless integration


Seamlessly integrate existing loyalty points and tokens, or create entire tokenized loyalty programs.

Adopt to specific needs


Adapt to specific business needs with interchangeable features and integrate with external services.

Auto scaling archietecture


Auto-scaling architecture handles large or small user bases and transaction volumes reliably with exceptional performance.

Not sure how Quboid can supercharge your Loyalty Program?

We're here to help! Talk to our experts to get a bespoke plan.

Talk to our experts

Don't believe us?

Ask our happy clients!

  • "Partnering with Quboid strategically amplified our brand visibility across global markets. As a small business in Japan, their platform enabled us to expand our reach, connect with diverse audiences, and forge impactful partnerships that propelled our growth and presence worldwide."

    Junko Higuchi

    Junko Higuchi

    CEO - Kakurinshoja Corporation

  • "Quboid transformed my art business! Their platform amplified my outreach across diverse web3 communities, propelling my art into new markets. Through their tools, I connected with global collectors, fostering collaborations that enriched my artistic journey."



    Artist & Designer

  • "Quboid's team empowered us with their technological capabilities and invaluable guidance to launch successful campaigns on blockchain and beyond. Their support extended beyond campaigns, aiding us in navigating various gaming landscapes. It's been a transformative partnership, enhancing our community's engagement and reach across diverse platforms."



    Manga NFT Community

Ready to build your

Book a demo to see how Quboid can supercharge your Loyalty.

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